Social Justice is something that I am very passionate about in ministry. As a white woman I have a lot of privilege in my pocket that I choose to use to try to better our world.
As Unitarian
Universalists we are called to the work of social justice by our very first principle. That we, as UU’s covenant to affirm and promote the inherent worth and dignity of every person. While there are a number of ways we could accomplish this, living my seven principles out loud in our world is how I choose to be in relationship with others and affirm the worth and dignity of all.
I have been involved with social justice initiatives for years, from marching in protests to video taping police when they are interacting with people of color.
Over the course of a year there are hundreds of social justice opportunities that come my way especially in the world we are currently living in. My policy is to try to say yes to as many of those opportunities as possible, because a huge part of ministry is just showing up.
I look forward to working with a congregation to try to find what it is that sets their minds and souls ablaze so that together we can work to better our world.
Social Justice looks like many things, my friend and colleague Susan Frawley created this awesome Meadville Lombard Theological School Public Faith Witness Flash Mob video while we were attending January Intensives in Chicago.
Each week at home I stand on the square with a few signs and a few friends to remind our community that Black Lives Matter.
weekly Black Lives Matter witness news story
Traveling to Washington DC with about 20 congregants for the Women’s March on Washington this year was one of the most incredible gatherings I have ever joined.
D.C. Women’s March UU World Article
This is an article that was published in Binghamton, NY while I was serving there, a look at the spiritual messages for the new year.
Faith messages for the new year newspaper article